What you can do on Classlist varies according to what admin status you have as a member; ie whether you are a parent without admin rights, a parent with admin rights (Class Rep, Community Rep, Ambassador) or a staff admin.
Everyone with a parent account will have access to the blue parent side of Classlist and those who also have admin access will be able to switch to the green admin side.
Staff members can have Staff Admin rights for the purpose of administration but this type of account only has access to the green admin side and Staff Admins won't be able to see the blue parent side of Classlist at all.
Take a look at our table comparing admin roles for a detailed comparison on what each can do. If you are an admin user and you want to make someone else an admin user too, see our guide on how to assign specific admin status to other parents.
The Ambassador role is automatically given to the initial creator of the site, but can also be assigned to other key parents who play an active role in the school community such as PTA post-holders. Ambassadors can access all areas of the site, manage membership and can moderate and manage content.
Class Rep:
The Class Rep role is usually allocated to someone who can act as the representative for the other parents in his/her child's class/year. If your school operates a system of Class Reps this role is perfect for them. Class Reps can approve parents in their class and view most of the admin features on Classlist in relation to the class/year which they represent. They can also create announcements to send to groups such as any class or year (but not whole school) and Community events (to invite parents from any group including the whole school).
Staff Admins:
Staff Admins have the same administrative powers as Ambassadors in terms of approving and managing parent members, but do not have any access to the parent side of Classlist. This means that Staff Admins cannot view, access or moderate parent-created content (such as group posts and comments, or Marketplace listings). Staff Admins do not see the 'Monitor Community' or 'Groups' sections in their menu at all.
Parents can't communicate via private messages with Staff Admins on Classlist.
Staff Admins can send out Announcements and Community Events to any group and view parent comments on those.
Community Rep:
Community Reps can use the admin features to create announcements and community events, but have limited access to the other administrative features. This role is suited for parents with a specific position in the parent community which may not be the same as a PTA position, eg Fair Funding Campaign Officer, Second Hand Uniform Sales, or just someone who is keen to help out from time to time. Unlike Class Reps community reps can send announcements out to the whole school (eg to promote an event they are running) It can also be used to allow teachers with parent accounts to send announcements to any group. Community Reps cannot manage parent membership or view or moderate group posts or content.
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