Only Ambassadors and Staff Admins can assign admin roles to other people. But maybe you have an Ambassador who needs to be Class Rep as well?
Assigning more than one role
You can only assign one role at a time, so to assign two or more different roles you will need to click the change admin status cogwheel on the parent's personal profile page and save for each status you want to add.
NB: You can only assign class rep rather than year admin, so if you want someone to cover a whole year you will need to add each class separately. When adding classes the class name must be typed exactly as it is on the school structure to bring up the class otherwise the 'ok' button will stay greyed out.
Click here for more help on admin status.
In terms of functionality the roles act in the following order (highest first):
- Ambassador/Staff Admin
- Class Rep
- Community Rep
But remember Staff Admins have no access to the parent mode.
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