While Classlist does not offer its own translation services the website is fully compatible with Google Translate. This method works most effectively on a computer using the Chrome browser. The benefit of using Google Translate is that it also translates user generated content.
To get started, follow the instructions below:
Firstly, install the Google Translate Web-App from this link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb?hl=en
Once this is done you can change your default language in the Chrome web-store by following these instructions:
- Sign in to chrome.
- Access settings by clicking the three dots in the top right hand corner.
- Click Settings
Show advanced settings.
- In the 'Languages' section, click the Language and input settings button.
- In the 'Languages' column, click the language that you want to use.
- Optional: If you don't see the language that you want, click Add. Click the drop-down menu, select the language that you want, then click OK.
- Choose how you want to use this language:
- Show menus in this language: Click Display Google Chrome OS in this language, then click Sign out. The next time you sign in, menus will show in the language that you chose.
- Use this language with spell check: Click Use this language for spell checking.
- Show web pages in this language: Click and hold your preferred language, then drag it to the top of the list. If you'd like Google Chrome to automatically translate web pages, click Offer to translate pages in this language.
- Click Done.
You will now see a small icon in the top right of your screen that looks like this:
Once you click this you will be given the option to 'translate the page' which brings up this dialogue box:
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