Classlist is a completely free platform for parents to use. The site itself is funded by a school subscription (with no ads shown) or by advertising, most often generated through local companies who pay to appear on Classlist. These advertisers have no access to any parent information and we will not sell users' private information to other companies. To learn more about about our policies regarding user privacy, please read our Privacy Policy.
Classlist users can even generate their own revenue for their PTA. We will give the PTA commission on the revenue of any advertiser brought to us via a PTA at a 25% rate. With just a couple of advertisers you PTA could easily be making hundreds of pounds extra yearly with little to no effort!
The mechanics are simple - you reach out to reputable local suppliers to confirm if they are interested in advertising to your parents on your Classlist site and our advertising team will help finalise arrangements. For more details contact the sales team at
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