Yes. You can choose to share your phone number and/or address with your class(es) and/or year group(s), or you can hide them, or remove them completely. It is not possible to share these details with the whole school, but you can opt in to the parent map (provided you have added an address) which will show your approximate location.
Only the ambassador and staff admin user(s) on your site will be able to see your email and address because they need it in order to approve your membership. If you become an admin user yourself, email and address details will be available to other admin users if you/they provide them.
The minimum information that must be shared with your class is your name and the name of your child so that other parents can tell who they are communicating with. You will still be contactable via Classlist and benefit from all the same features even if you hide your actual contact details from other parents.
To remove your contact details completely from Classlist:
For your phone number or home address go to 'profile' then 'contact details' and delete the phone number and/or address and click 'save'. You can also change your email address in this section, to do this you must verify the new email address from the email that is sent out.
Address Sharing
When creating a profile there is the option to fill in an address, this is not compulsory and can be left blank. If parents do fill in an address then by default it will be shown on their profile to 'families in the same classes'.
If you have entered your address and they would like to remove it completely they can do this by going to profile>contact details.
Parents can also change who can see their address in the contact details section of their profile. They can either switch off 'share home address on my profile', or leave it switched on and choose to share it with 'no one', 'families in my classes' or 'families in my year groups'. There is no option to show an exact address to everyone in the school.
In addition, provided that they have filled in their address (even if they have not shared it) they can opt into the school map which shows parents approximate locations to each other so they can co-ordinate lift shares.
Data Security
At Classlist your data security is our top priority. We want you to feel safe using a social media platform you can trust. Information on our security system can be found here, while some information on our policies for keeping you safe can be found here.
Important: although parents are approved to join each Classlist site by other parents or school staff who check they are a genuine parent at the school, Classlist does not vet parents and cannot vouch for them. Members should take the usual common sense precautions when meeting new people.
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