QR Code flyer
- Generate your school's personalised QR code flyer with pre-approval code: Parents who scan the QR code with the phone's camera will be guided to download the app. When they register they will be pre-approved. This flyer is ideal for handing to new parents in Welcome meetings, and can help get a lot of parents onto Classlist right away without needing to approve them individually. Schools also email out the QR code to their parent database when they launch.
- See how to get yours with this 20-second video.
- Follow this link to get your code: https://app.classlist.com/school/#/invite/add-invite. Click on 'Invite New Parents' and then after you click on 'Use our printable flyer' a pdf file will download. On some devices this can download quickly and without opening (depending on your settings), therefore please check your downloads folder to find the flyer.
- This is a time-limited code to hand out to parents and it will expire to in 7 days, after which time people who register need approving. **Please note the QR code flyer should not be shared publicly or on your website as it pre-approves members.**
There are lots of other ways to invite parents too, from sending email invitations to inviting via WhatsApp. See here for more details.
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