So you've been assigned as Class Rep; now what?! Read on to find out about the additional functionality and permissions you now have.
You can also see 5 minute video overviews of admin features such as announcements and events here.
Admin members on Classlist have access to a separate Admin area, which displays with a green header. Your extra admin permissions only come into effect in the green Admin area: when you are in the blue parent area your account will have the same permissions as any other parent. You can switch between your admin area and your parent area at any time by tapping on the blue/green 'switch' button at the top right of a desktop screen or going to the switch at the top left of a mobile.
- Whenever you want to write or create any content on Classlist which is connected with your class rep or admin role (eg inviting members, sending an announcement, setting up a event for a class, year or other group), you should do it on the green admin area, as this gives you extra functionality.
- If you want to do something that any parent member would do (eg send a private message, respond to a post, put an item for sale on the Marketplace, set up a private event like a birthday party), you should use the blue admin side.
Invite members
Send an announcement
Approve parents
Set up a community event
Inviting Parents
There are lots of ways to invite parents to Classlist, depending on how you currently communicate. You can send a WhatsApp invitation to a group, hand parents a QR code invitation flyer, or invite them using their email address if you have it.
If you have parent emails then inviting parents in the admin area using their email has some advantages - they will be pre-approved and can start using Classlist without waiting for approval by an admin.
Parents invited to Classlist by an admin will also receive announcements from admins before they join Classlist i.e. as soon as they are invited. This means you can reach all parents via Classlist announcements as soon as you send your invitations.
Invited Parents who don't join straight away
If the invitee does not join immediately, they are added to the list of 'invited parents' for your community, and they will receive admin-generated content addressed to the whole school, or their school year and class groups. This aspect of the system works like a mailing list, allowing you to keep all parents informed, even if you have only just launched your site. Read more here about 'Invited Parents'. These invited parents are not members and can unsubscribe from messages from Classlist if they wish.
The invite parents page in the Admin area, showing two invited parents who have not yet registered to join.
Class Reps can send an Announcement to the Whole School (if the ambassador has enabled this in the school profile), or any combination of Years, Classes or parent groups. The Announcement is displayed in the Announcement tab as well as in the relevant group. A notification of the Announcement is sent via the app (and emailed to all members of the relevant groups if they haven't seen the notification after an hour and they have email notifications on). You can attach a document to an Announcement, including flyers, a meeting agenda or even homework that children may have missed.
You can schedule announcements to be sent at a later time.
Announcements will also be sent to the invited parents list.
You can still post to your class or year from the blue parent side, the same as any other parent member without admin rights, but this won't get sent to any invited parents who have not yet joined.
Find out more about Announcements or watch a 1 minute video overview.
Approving parents
Another duty that some schools like Class Reps to do is approving parents in your class who have requested to join your school's Classlist. This procedure has been added in the interest of security, allowing you to vet each parent as legitimate before they can access your site. The process of approving parents is simple, you just need to click the 'Approve' button once you have confirmed their identity. NB Parents that an admin invited by email are pre-approved and so don't need approval.
Some schools prefer to only have staff admins approving new parents, if this is the case at your school then class reps can turn off notifications about parents waiting for approval in their notification settings.
Community Events
Class Reps can also create Community Events which can be sent out to the whole school or individual groups, years or classes. These Community Events will also be sent to Invited Parents who have not yet joined Classlist.
Community events will show in the events list to all members invited, even if they join Classlist after the event is created.
Community Events have additional features to parent events and should always be used if you are creating an event for a class, year or group. For instance, if someone joins the group or class after you created the event they will still be sent the invitation if you used Community Events.
You can also collect detailed numbers for events via free tickets (such as how many family members are coming to a class barbecue), collect money and sell tickets, and get parents signed up to help via the built in Sign Up lists.
Find out more about Community Events or watch some 1 minute video overviews.
As an Admin user you may get notifications of tasks needing your attention, such as approving parents who apply to register to your class. These are shown on the Notifications page on the green Admin area.
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