Classlist allows members of your school's PTA to send you announcements and invitations to keep you up to speed about what's going on at your school. If you have school staff on your site as Admin members they can also send announcements. You can get notifications straight to your mobile phone using the Classlist App.
Announcements contain important messages from Administrative users. Announcements can be sent by Administrative users (eg PTA officers and Class Reps) as well as members of School Staff, if you have any signed up. They always generate an email and notification on the app unless you have switched off notifications in your profile.
Community Events
Community Events are used for big communal events. Administrative users can create events aimed at a wide parent audience, such as the Summer Fair. We have called them 'Community Events' to differentiate them from private events created by individual parents. Invitations to community events are automatically emailed and notified to everyone in the relevant group, such as 'whole school' or 'Year 2', so you will receive a notification if you are in that group.
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