Classlist offers an 'opt-in' service known as the Parent Map, accessed via your Parent Finder.
This feature allows you to locate and identify nearby parents who might be interested in sharing the school run or lifts to parties, extra-curricular clubs etc. This doesn't always have to involve cars, and can be just as useful for cycling, bus travel or even walking to school. This feature will allow you to save time and money whilst also helping the environment and providing a great opportunity to socialise.
You can opt-in during account creation, or alternatively visit your profile later to add your address
Profile>My Account>Contact Details>Address then turn on the switch that says 'Share your approximate home location' (or 'Opt in for the Parent Map' on desktop).
Please Note: When you 'opt-in' for the Parent Map, your marker will be visible only to those parents who have ALSO opted into the system. No-one will be able to remain 'hidden' whilst being able to see another parents marker.
If you opt to share your home address you can also choose who can see this, parents in your year group, just your class or no-one at all. There is no option to share your address with the whole school. By default this is set to 'families in my classes'.
Sharing the school run
Once you have opted in, you can let others know if you are happy to share the school run and how you travel. You can choose different preferences for each school. Fill in the details on the app (not desktop) by either:
- clicking the 'add transport' link below where you added your address
or going to
- Your profile and choosing the 'my account' tab at the top
- Then selecting 'My profile'
- Then Scrolling down to the School run section
Once you have signed up for the parent map and added your school run you can view approximate locations of other parents via the parent finder.
- Select Parent Finder
- Tap on 'Find parents who live near me' to go to parent map
- Swipe through the profile cards or zoom in/out to find map dots indicating other parents
The approximate locations of other parents in your school (across all year groups) are shown on the map. The map will display a coloured marker (mobile) or a profile picture/marker with the parent's initials (desktop).
If you see a number, that means that more than 1 person lives in that area and you will need to zoom in to see their individual markers.
Simply click on the individual marker to bring up the name of the parent and their school run details (mobile), and then tap their name to access the public profile of that parent. From here, you can send them a private message to discuss a potential lift share.
A view of the parent map (not a real school or real parent addresses!):
You will only be able to see parents from your school on the parent map. Classlist does not enable school run sharing between parents at different schools, even if both use For security reasons parents only have access to information about their own school.
For more information, or for more specific advice, please see our Parent Map Safety Tips.
If you have any further queries, you can always contact us at, or by clicking on the pink help symbol. Also check out our blog post on the benefits of car sharing.
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