Marketplace listings are where you can buy and sell your stuff, report lost and found, post wanted ads and much more! The Marketplace works like a virtual noticeboard. When you click the Marketplace page you will see a display of all the posts in Marketplace. You can filter by category, search for a specific object and mark your favourites.
To create your own post, use the red 'create' button at the bottom of the page on mobile (or choose 'listings' on desktop). then select a category and fill out the details. You can even add up to 10 photos if you wish.
Click 'List an item' at the bottom and your item will be published on this virtual noticeboard for other parents to see.
NB: Your post will not be emailed out straight away but will be grouped with other Marketplace items in the Digest which goes out to parents once a week at 6pm on a Thursday (7pm in summertime). Marketplace posts appear in the Digest with the newest item at the top, so if you want to be head of the list, post on Thursday afternoon! Parents will also be able to search the listings at any time.
Why not have a look at our articles on the Rules and Guidelines and Best Practice using the Marketplace so you can be confident you get the best out of the feature.
Marking items as sold or taken
The member who put the post in the marketplace can delete the item if sold or picked up. To do that on mobile, filter by clicking on the person icon underneath listings (to see just your listings) then click on the listing and click 'mark as sold' (on desktop go back to the post and click on the 3 dots menu at the top right).
Ambassadors could alternatively delete old items via Monitor Community in the admin area.
If not removed, the older Marketplace posts will move down the feed so they become less visible over time. We also plan to remove inactive items that are very out of date.
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