Headteachers have started using Classlist to complement other comms channels. We wanted to share what they are doing, as some Heads aren’t aware of Classlist’s capabilities.
As well as offering an advanced communication tool to reach all parents, Classlist's GDPR-compliant app offers vital community support features for your parents too. The initiatives below can all be launched immediately within 15 minutes of setting up an account.
5 benefits of Classlist for school leaders:
1. Reach all parents instantly via the Classlist app
2. Hear parent feedback and address concerns
3. Enable teachers to work online with specific classes or year groups
4. Enable parents to help each other
5. Your parent community can make sure all families are supported
More info below.
5 benefits of Classlist for school leaders:
1. Reach all parents instantly via the Classlist app
App updates reach parents much faster than email. Classlist is being used by school heads to complement other channels for school updates and emergency guidance.
2. Hear parent feedback and address concerns
Schools have set up private Q&A groups on the Classlist app to avoid parents relying on WhatsApp or the rumour mill. School staff either respond immediately to parents posting questions, or publish a daily collated response to individual, private questions. Parents can also instantly access all school updates and FAQs in one place on Classlist, without trawling through emails.
3. Enable teachers to work online with specific classes or year groups
Teachers can use Classlist to message class and year groups, attaching assignments or video links. Parents can also reply, attaching homework or other information. Because these groups already exist in Classlist, this functionality can be launched immediately by sending your staff an invitation to join. More info here.
4. Enable parents to help each other
In the event of school closure, working parents face significant challenges with childcare, and keeping children engaged in remote learning. Where practicable and safe, nearby families can help each other out. Classlist’s inclusive, GDPR compliant parent directory and opt-in map will help every parent to find other families.
We have already seen schools set up groups for parents to share tips on things to do at home with children, how to work from home whilst looking after your children, etc.
This support will be parent-led, but the school can help through communication, offering guidance and suggesting ground rules.
5. Your parent community can make sure all families are supported
Classlist's unique SignUp Lists for volunteer rotas can be used to organise a community response to families who have self-isolated or need extra support. Set up a rota for a daily volunteer to drop key food supplies outside the homes of families in isolation. Ask for volunteers to have a daily chat with families that are feeling lonely.
Other ideas include:
Keep the school gate alive by setting up a daily time for families to post and chat in their class group on Classlist. Your parent reps can also watch out for families that are really struggling and need extra support.
Getting launched is easy
We would be delighted to talk you through using Classlist for school comms. The Classlist team is on standby to help Heads with any queries. Classlist is fully GDPR compliant and you don't need any extra documentation beyond what you confirm during setting up your account.
- Set up your school's Classlist account in minutes or find out more here.
- Book a phone call or web demo here
- Contact support@classlist.com to ask questions
NB To ensure every parent receive yours comms, schools can simply set up a Classlist account in minutes and paste a list of all parent emails into Classlist here to send them an invitation.
100% of invited parents will receive your announcements right away, even before they join Classlist.
User testimonials
“Classlist has been really effective. It is very inclusive for all our families, and resolves the burning issue of connecting parents to each other.” - Lynn Knapp, Headteacher, Windmill Primary School. Chair, Oxfordshire Head Teachers Conference
“We have been surprised and delighted with the fast uptake by 1080 parents. We haven’t even had to chase them. Launching Classlist was easy.” - Lindsey Smith, Office Manager: Latymer Upper School, London
“The value in Classlist is ease of deployment. The mark of good software is how much tech support you need to get it started. With Classlist it’s been dead simple - I handed it over to our PTA and they just run it. It’s less hassle than Facebook. Indeed it’s such a trouble-free solution and has been such a successful programme I would love to see Classlist used in many other areas.” - Brian Lockwood, Educational Technology Director, Copenhagen International School
See our Video testimonials
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