Building your basic school structure
- Adding a Year / Class. To add a 'Year / Class' just start typing where it says 'type year/class name' in grey text above the Year or Class column, then click on the 'Add' button to save the new name into the structure.
- Editing or deleting a Year / Class. To edit the name of a 'Year/Class' which already exists, just click the pencil icon next to the name you wish to edit. This will allow you to change the name. You can also delete a Year or Class if you wish but note that the Year/Class must be empty of pupils before it can be deleted.
- Adding a class to a year with pupils in but no classes in. You can't add classes into a year that has not got classes yet, but already has pupils held directly within the year. To add the classes you need to empty the year of pupils temporarily.
To do this
- 'select all' the pupils in the year (top right)
- select the unassigned year group as destination class above the pupils column. ('Unassigned' is listed at the bottom of the year groups)
- use the red Move button at the top right to move the selected pupils
- add your new classes to the year
- if you don't know which class the pupils are in add an extra class called 'Year x - class unassigned'
- then move them all the pupils back from 'unassigned' into 'Year x - class unassigned'
- NB you will want to note if anyone is sitting in unassigned before you star, so as not to move them too.
If you already have children listed in a year or class, you will not be able to delete the tiers. You can move the children temporarily into a separate year created for the purpose (eg labelled temp year, or unassigned) while you work on the tiers.
Be aware that any parents who register and do not specify a year or class will have been allocated automatically to the 'unassigned' group. Be careful not to mix children from different years and classes in the unassigned group.
The format of Year and Class names
The Classlist system will sort the years and classes alphabetically. This is fine if you are writing Year 1, Year 2 etc. but not if your Years are named according to a different system. You can override the alphabetical ordering by adding a number before the proper name if you want the list to appear in a logical order (see the images below).
Whatever format you choose, stick to the same one throughout, eg if you enter Year One for the first year, don't then write Y2 for the second year. Keeping the same format means they will be listed in a logical order.
If you years go above Year 10 then you should put a 0 in front of your year groups 1-9 (eg Year 09) to ensure that they are listed in numerical order Otherwise Year 10 will be at the top.
Years may not be listed in a logical order when sorted alphabetically by the system:
Add a number in front of the year (or class) name if you want the system to sort them in a specific order which matches your school:
Moving a Pupil(s)
- Click to select. To select a pupil (s) you just need to click and release on their name in the right hand column. You can select multiple pupils one after the other, or click the 'Select All' button to select every pupil in your current Year/Class selection.
- Use the Drop Down Box. You can send selected pupils to another Class/Year by selecting a new class from the drop-down box at the top right, then tapping 'Move'.
- Removing/deleting pupils. Once you have selected a pupil, you can choose to delete them from Classlist. This will not remove the parent from Classlist, but will remove their pupil.
Tip: Only delete pupils if you are 100% certain you need to. If you remove a pupil by mistake, send the parent a message. They can re-add a pupil by visiting their Profile, My Children page. If you are unsure where to put a pupil you can always put them in an 'unassigned' year/class until you can check with the parent or school staff.
Hints and tips
It's a good idea to add a new Year group for your New Joiners before the end of the summer term, so that new parents who read about Classlist in Welcome Packs can apply to join and get to know other new joiners over the summer if they want.
Remember you don't have to have classes within your 'year groups' on the school structure. If you have already added a class that you don't need, move the pupils in it to 'unassigned', delete the class using the 'edit' symbol (pencil) and then you can move the pupils back into the year group.
We understand how important it is that this structure correctly mirrors your school, so it is very flexible. We've tried to make sure that setting it up is as quick and easy as possible, but if your school has a more individual structure you may find it takes a bit of effort to get it right. Remember you can always get in touch with our support team who can help guide you through the process.
If parents have already joined before you had time to set up classes, you may have pupils in a year group in which you need to add classes. It is best to move the pupils out of the year group to do this. Move them to 'unassigned' temporarily (make sure unassigned has no other pupils in already!), add the classes, and then you can move the pupils back into the correct classes for that year group.
Schools have many different sizes and structures: here is more advice on different structures.
See some tips on the school structure page itself here.
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