If you are having trouble logging in there could be several reasons, luckily most are easy to fix and shouldn't be difficult to resolve. To start with, please make sure you are on the most up to date version of the app.
Incorrect Password
Passwords are case sensitive. If you get the message 'please enter your password for this account' then you have not entered the correct password for the email address given. Please check
- For typos in your email address
- The password is correct one
- Check to see if your caps lock key is on
- If you have changed your password recently make sure you update your browsers autofill settings. Browsers cannot tell when you have updated your password, and as such will try and enter your old password until you type in the new one.
- If you have switched between devices - make sure that the device you are using has the correct password saved to the keychain as it is possible to update the password on one device without updating others.
Account Locked
If you try the password too many times without success then your account will be locked. If this happens you will see the message 'Your account has been locked due to many login attempts' This will only appear once you have entered the correct password. To unlock your account you will need to use the forgotten password email link to reset your password.
Forgotten Password
If you have forgotten the password to your account you can submit a password reset by following these steps:
- Select 'I forgot my password' underneath the 'Sign in' button. https://app.classlist.com/login/#/forgot-password
- Enter the email address you used to create your Classlist account and select the 'Reset Password' button.
- You will receive an email containing a secure link to the password reset page.
- Simply enter a new, secure password twice
- Then sign in to Classlist.
If the email doesn't arrive please firstly check you have used the correct email address for your account and check your junk folder. Please get in touch with us if you are still not receiving the email. If you (or your email provider) have marked one of our messages as spam then the email won't come through until we remove the spam report manually.
Email Not Recognised
- If your email address is not recognised check if you made a typo in your email when trying to login.....!
- Did you definitely register with this email address? Lots of people forget which email they registered with. eg Our system will not recognise @googlemail.com as they same email as @gmail.com
- If you made a typing error when you registered, then the system won't recognise your email address if you enter it correctly subsequently...
- However, if you have just registered on the app, then after you are approved you will be logged in automatically using the details you gave on registration. Since August 2018 you will be notified within a few minutes of approval if we think you made a typo in your email (if the confirmation email we send you bounces back). You can go to your profile in the app and correct the email.
- If you still cannot work out why your email is not recognised please try registering again on our website with your correct email. If you are able to register again it means that your email address is not held in our system.
- After logging in with the second account look in your class on the Contacts page to see if you can see another account with a typo in the email. You could delete an account with a typo by logging in with those details.
- If you believe you are registered but can't work out what details you used please ask an Ambassador at your school who will be able to see part of your email address to give you a clue as to which one you used.
Firewall - Logging in from a work network
- If your email and password are correct but can't login from a work computer for instance, the issue could be down to a firewall. We are aware that in a very small number of cases, work-related firewalls and computer systems can block access to Classlist. A simple way to test this is to try and log in to Classlist via your mobile phone using 3G/4G (not Wi-Fi). If the system lets you log in using the same email, the issue on your computer could be down to a firewall, but this is unusual.
If you still need to login on such a work computer, please contact your employer's IT support department and ask them to white-list the Classlist site and all sub-domains as follows:
App Updates
We update the app every few weeks with minor changes and improvement, if you don't have automatic updates on and you are on a very old version you may need to update the app before you can login. Please check for updates on the app store or google play and ensure you turn on automatic updates.
Tip: if you are still completely stuck you can 'Submit a Help Request' and we will look into your issue. Give us your full name and the email that you think you registered with. However, please do go through the above steps before contacting us, as most problems logging in are simply due to user typos!
Troubleshooting for password reset emails
- If you can't find your reset password email please search by the sender no-reply@classlist.com to find messages from Classlist.
- Check your spam and any other inboxes, as searching your inbox won't automatically search those as well.
- If you find the password reset message from Classlist is in spam please make sure you select 'not spam' or 'move to inbox' so that future messages from Classlist do not go to your spam.
- If you cannot find a password reset email from us at all this is occasionally because emails from Classlist to your email account have been rejected by your server previously (eg if your server is full, or if you marked Classlist as spam by mistake previously).
If our emails have bounced back from you before then our system may not send you a password reset email subsequently. If that is the case you will need to contact our Help Desk to ask them to investigate and sort this out so that you start to receive emails from Classlist again. - If you had marked Classlist as spam please note that you have full control over which types of emails you receive from us by going to your Profile and updating your preferences on the Notifications page. You can opt to have no emails or just a weekly digest if you prefer.
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