The following general areas are considered misuse of Classlist. Intances of any of the following behaviour should be reported to your site's School Ambassador, Class Rep or passed on to
Inappropriate Comments or Messages
Please report any content posted by other parents that you feel is harmful or inappropiate. Content considered 'inappropriate' is outlined in our User Guidelines, as well as our Terms & Conditions.
Misuse of Classlist Events
Classlist's event system is designed to support school-based activities and fundraising, whether for the whole school, year group or specific classes; or for private school-related social events such as birthday parties or coffee mornings where a subset of parents are involved. It may not be used for multiple private events which are not school-related, or events with an overarching commercial purpose.
Advertising Commercial Services
Classlist welcomes local businesses wishing to to advertise with us, and allows any parent to discuss or recommend any organisation they are not affiliated with. However, parents are forbidden from using any of Classlist's other channels of communication (messaging, announcements etc) to promote their own business interests.
Inappropriate Content from Advertisers
If you believe one of our commercial or individual advertisers is posting inappropriate content, please let us know immediately at
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