Videos saved as a web url can be shared via Classlist.
Decide if you want to save your video as ‘Unlisted’ in YouTube - so only people you share the url with can see it
Adding a video to YouTube on a phone
- Record video on your phone
- Go to your Photos and find your video
- Click on ‘share’ icon (square with arrow coming out)
- Choose ‘share to YouTube’
- Choose ‘Unlisted’ (so only people with the url can view your video)
- Select ‘View on YouTube’
- Click below the video on ‘Share’ and copy the url for sharing on Classlist
Adding a video to YouTube on a computer
- Record video
- Go to YouTube
- Sign in
- Click on the ‘Upload video’ icon at the top right of the screen (camera with plus icon)
- Choose ‘Unlisted’
- copy the url for sharing on Classlist
The first time you upload a video to YouTube
- You will be prompted to set up a ‘Youtube Channel’. This is a place for all your videos to be held in one place.
- You will need to sign in to Youtube with a google account - this can be done using any email address.
- In YouTube, go to Channel Settings (menu on left), and in Advanced Settings select ‘This channel is for kids’.
Sharing your video on Classlist
- Paste the url into a post in your group if you have a parent account
- or if you have admin status create an Announcement
- Paste in the link to your Youtube video
- Send
- Parents will be notified of your new post or announcement
Sharing from another app to Classlist
- If you are using iOS you can use the 'share' icon to share a Youtube video (or any video hosted on another website) to Classlist. More details about 'sharing to Classlist' here.
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