Whole school posts: an optional feature
Some Classlist communities really love that their members can share content with the whole school; others, often in larger schools, would prefer that parents can only post to their class or year group. We have listened to you all and our developers have found a solution which should suit everyone!
The ability for regular parent users and class reps to post to the whole school is an optional feature, which Ambassadors and Staff Admins will be able to enable or disable for their community. Click here for information on this feature for parent members.
How it works
- Ambassadors and Community Reps will still be able to post to the Whole School even if the feature is turned off for parent members and class reps.
- If the feature is turned off for members who try to post to the Whole School, they are encouraged to post elsewhere, but ultimately they can request their Ambassador to post on their behalf by forwarding the proposed post content in a private message to the admins. In this case the admin member/s will need to decide if the content of the post is appropriate for the Whole School.
- Marketplace items can still be listed to the Whole School.
- A parent member or class rep who often wants to post content which is appropriate for the Whole School can be appointed as a Community Rep (in addition to other admin rights). This gives them admin rights to post to the Whole School.
Points for admins to note:
- New schools signing up will have the whole school post function turned on by default.
- Ambassadors and/or Staff Admins should decide whether to turn the whole school post feature on or off. Smaller schools may wish to have the function turned on, while large schools often find there is too much general 'traffic' and may prefer to switch it off.
- When an Ambassador decides to turn off the whole school post feature, the other admin members in the community will receive a notification to let them know.
- To turn the whole school post feature on or off go to the School Profile page in Admin Mode, where there is a simple check box where you can tick or untick. Only Ambassadors and Staff Admins can view and edit this box.
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