The Classlist app uses less storage on phones than the average app!
Classlist app size compared to other apps
The Classlist iOS app is 20MB and the Classlist Android app is 2MB.
In comparison, WhatsApp is 81MB.
An average iOS app is 35MB and the average Android app is 12MB - so Classlist is much smaller than average apps.
If you find your phone doesn't have enough storage for Classlist, one option is for you to delete a few photos or videos.
App size compared to photos and videos, which commonly take up most of the space on phones
A photo stored on an iPhone is about 2.5MB. So the Classlist app is taking up the space of 8photos.
A single 20 second video stored on an iPhone is about 20MB - the size of the whole Classlist app.
Parents having trouble downloading the app could therefore delete a few photos or videos from their phone's storage to make space for the Classlist app.
We do recommend all parents have the app for easy access to Classlist when out and about.
We now require users to have the app to access Classlist on a phone. This is because the user experience of Classlist is better on the app, so we do not wish to have users using Classlist on the browser. So do download the app!
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