There are a couple of ways for event organisers to track and manage who is coming to an event. This help articles covers the following:
- Downloading a csv file of attendees
- View lists of attendees on Classlist
- Message / remind event guests
- Other help articles on Events
Downloading the list of attendees
On the event dashboard you can choose to download your guest list. Downloading the list creates a csv file which can be converted into a spreadsheet ('download' via the 3 dots next to 'purchased')
The columns in the spreadsheet are as follows. 3 questions were asked here but you could ask as many as you like:
Guest first name |
Guest last name |
Pupils - if purchaser is a Classlist member |
Ticket Type - free, paid or donation |
Ticket name (eg 'Adult', 'Child' or 'BBQ Meal') |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Purchase date |
Confirmed? (Eg tickets can occasionally be pending) |
Email - guest checkout purchasers |
Q1 - Do you have allergies?
Q2 - Are you vegetarian?
Q3 - What is your address for the T-shirt delivery?
Ticket note last Updated on XXXX date |
What info will you get on the downloaded spreadsheet?
- When you create your event you can ask as many questions as you like about guests.
- Each question you ask will appear in a separate column in the spreadsheet/csv download.
- Each ticket is a single line in the spreadsheet so you can see all the details for each guest (Whereas in some systems the purchaser can only add one set of comments for a total purchase, not per guest. That means in other systems that it may not be easy to specify exactly which guest has a nut allergy or wants vegan food etc).
- If the purchaser is not a Classlist member their email address appears in the spreadsheet and on the Classlist guest list. Guest checkout purchasers get e-tickets automatically.
- The classes of the children of Classlist members are auto filled in the spreadsheet to make it easy for you to know who is coming. For guest checkout purchasers we don't have this information so it will not show in the spreadsheet unless they registered after buying a ticket.
- Ticket value and transaction total are shown
- NB As each ticket is a single line in the spreadsheet the total shows several times for each 'purchaser' if they bought several tickets. That is due to the way csv files are generated.
NB: Our system autofills the parent name in the guest list and CSV and also adds all their children and classes, so you can identify the parent who bought the ticket. If the ticket is for a particular child you should add ticket questions to confirm the child's details eg what is the child's name? What class are they in? Who is picking them up? Do they have allergies/medical conditions?
For help with downloading or opening csv files see our troubleshooting csv downloads page.
View the Guest List on Classlist
The guest list on Classlist itself shows each purchaser listed in date order, newest at the top, all details for every ticket can be seen here as well as on the download. Parents can also see who is going to an event from the guest tab in the parent side event.
On the admin side if you choose 'view list' you can filter the list to see different categories of people (eg all guests, purchased, not responded etc). If you have several different tickets available to purchase you can filter on each ticket name, you can also download the filtered list from here.
Please note: Only lists of purchased tickets can be downloaded, lists of people who haven't responded can't be downloaded due to data protection.
You can look at any purchasers on Classlist and see the details of their tickets by using the dropdown arrow to the right of their name.
Return Free Tickets
We have added the option for event organisers to return free tickets. If you navigate to the ticket holder via the guest list (instructions above) and use the dropdown arrow to see their ticket details, you will see a pink return arrow under each free ticket.
This is useful if you are limited by numbers and someone can't make it.
Return Paid Tickets
It is not currently an option to return paid tickets via Classlist. This is because event organisers don't have to be an admin for the Stripe account but only Stripe admins would be able to authorise refunds.
Instead, what you can do if you want to refund tickets is:
- Ask the Stripe admin to refund via the payment provider (Stripe).
- Make a note that the tickets have been returned and cross them off the download list.
- Add extra tickets to the event to replace the 'returned' tickets.
Send a Note / Remind Event Guests
Once you have filtered the guest list (as described above) you can send a note to people with extra event information or resend the invites to those that haven't responded. Don't forget about the automated reminders to avoid duplication.
We have pre-filtered 'invites sent', purchased & 'not responded' so you can click on the 3 dots next to the category you want and select 'message'.
It is not possible to add any attachments but you can insert links. As a workaround you can create a google doc and make the sharing access ‘viewable to everyone who has the link’.
Example: If you are sending a trail map out, you can send the link in a note to people who have purchased tickets after sales have closed, but before the start of the event. Please bear in mind that this method contacts all purchasers each time. So, if you want to send a map out as and when people buy tickets, 'Messages' on the parent side should be used instead.
Notes sent via the event messaging system are visible further down the page in the notes section. It is not possible for anyone to reply to the note. To get replies please use either the private messages on the parent side on the event chat (admin & parent side)
Other Help Articles about Events
School Community Events Overview
RSVPs, Free Tickets, Paid Tickets and Donations
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