Tip - This article describes setting up Stripe for a parent or Class Admin collecting money personally via Classlist eg for a class event or teacher's present. You can do this using the Community Events feature
If you are an Admin setting up a Stripe account to collect money for your PTA or school see here instead.
You can collect money via Classlist using Stripe. Parents paying can pay by credit card, and the money will be collected in a Stripe account for you. You can transfer the funds to your bank account.
Stripe is simple to set up. The easiest way to set up a Stripe account is to start to create a draft Community Event on Classlist, and click on 'Add tickets'. From there you will be taken to set up Stripe (to fill out a single page form) and the account will be connected to your Classlist account.
It only takes a few minutes, using information that you will already know.
Here is some guidance on how you might fill out the Stripe set up page. The personal and bank details you give Stripe are not accessed by Classlist. You are basically giving Stripe permission to collect money and send it to your bank account.
Account Details
Choose 'Individual/Sole Trader' if you are a parent/rep collecting money and the money will be going into your own bank account.
Company Number - you can leave this blank.
VAT number - you can leave this blank.
Business Address - your address.
Business Website - you can put a social media profile here. This info is not displayed anywhere on Classlist.
Business Description - put text which describes what people pay you for such as "I collect money from other parents at my children's school when arranging social events and for teacher's presents". This is not displayed on Classlist.
Fill out your details.
Financial services regulations mean Stripe need your personal details to verify you.
Credit card statement details - This helps parents recognise a payment to you on their card statement. It is a good idea to include 'Classlist'.
eg Statement Descriptor - 'Joe Bloggs Classlist account'
Support phone - Stripe makes it mandatory that you give a contact number but we don't display this info to members.
Bank Details
You are stating that you authorise Stripe to transfer money to and from your bank account. This is a direct debit request. Stripe should not take money from your account unless a parent who paid you queries a transaction and Stripe need to reimburse them.
Your Stripe login details
Finally, put the email you want to use to login to the Stripe account, and a long password. The email does not need to be the same one you use for Classlist. Create a long and secure password.
Email address confirmation
After you finish this page by clicking 'Authorize access to this account' you will be sent an email to confirm your email address. Go to your email account and confirm your email right away.
NB You can ignore the info in the email about integrating Stripe.
The other information in the email from Stripe is gives you a link to your Stripe Dashboard and their support function.
After confirming your email you will be told that your account is connected.
Two-step authentication - when you first login you will be offered two-step authentication. (This means that when you login the first time on a new device Stripe will send you an SMS with a security code to ensure it is you). This helps prevent fraud. We recommend you use two-step authentication. You will be given a back up code to keep in a safe place in case you lose your phone.
Adjusting some Settings on Stripe
Choose Settings on the menu again and then choose:
Account Information
The account name may show as the website url you entered. You can edit this to your name.
Support email and phone. Stripe makes it mandatory that you give a contact number but we don't display this info to your members.
Bank accounts and scheduling
Payouts to your bank account will be set as daily be default. It will only trigger when you are paid. You can edit the Payout schedule to either 'Automatic - every month' or 'Manual' if you wish.
Other info
Photo ID - You will be emailed by Stripe after set up asking you to upload a scan of your Passport or driving licence photo to your account. This is to meet financial services regulations.
If you need help with your Stripe account you can contact Stripe's Support Centre. If you need help with Classlist please contact our Help Centre.
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